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 Post subject: AndeSight v5.1.1 Quick Start Guide
PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:51 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2018 9:46 am
Posts: 9
Please follow the steps below to get started with AndeSight IDE.


Execute the AndeSight STD v5.1.1 installer to invoke the installation wizard:
1. To install AndeSight STD v5.1.1 on Windows, find the installer Setup.exe under the directory INSTALLER_ROOT\Windows\Disk1 and double-click it.

To install AndeSight STD v5.1.1 on Linux, find the installer under the directory INSTALLER_ROOT/[Linux_x64|Linux_x86]/Disk1/ and execute it by issuing the following command in the console:
$ ./
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2. Follow the installer instructions to install AndeSight.
In license type selection page, please choose "Activation code" to finish installation.
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Product activation

Choose the license type for your use of AndeSight v5.1.1 IDE and click “Next".

1. Double-click the desktop shortcut or the file “AndeSight.exe” under AndeSight_ROOT\ide to launch the AndeSight IDE.

2. A dialog pops out to remind you that no license is installed yet. Click the “Install now…” button to open activation window.
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3. In the invoked dialog, enter a valid activation code or license file received from Andes Technology Corporation. Then, click “Deploy Activation code” or the “Apply and Close” Button.
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Run first project

1. Find the Andes Project Creator view on the launched AndeSight IDE. Select a connection configuration and a project language. Then, expand a group in the Chip Profile section and double-click the desired chip profile.
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2. A dialog box opens. Enter a project name and select a project type and toolchain. Then, click the “Finish” button.
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3. Select the created project folder in the Project Explorer view and click "Build" icon on the AndeSight toolbar to compile the program, as shown in below picture.
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4. Check the compilation results in the Console view and verify that an executable has been generated in the PROJECT/Debug folder.
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5. Click "Debug As" --> "Application Program"
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6. After a debug session is launched, click the toolbar buttons in the Debug view to observe the results in other views (the Variables view, the Registers view ...)
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7. The output will be displayed in the console view.
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