Please follow the steps below to get started with AndeSight STD
-------------1. Double click setup.exe to install AndeSight from install directory.
setup.jpg [ 66.13 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
2. Follow the installer instructions to install AndeSight.
In license type selection page, please choose "Activation code" to finish installation.
activation_type.jpg [ 62.02 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
Product activation
--------------------1. Double-click the desktop shortcut or the file “AndeSight.exe” under AndeSight_ROOT\ide to launch the AndeSight IDE.
2. A dialog pops out to remind you that no license is installed yet. Click the “Install now…” button to open activation window.
license.jpg [ 54.19 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
3. In the invoked dialog, enter a valid activation code received from Andes Technology Corporation. Then, click “Deploy Activation code” or the “OK” Button.
prod_activation.jpg [ 71.79 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
4. A dialog box containing license information pops up next. Click “OK” to complete the license activation.
prod_activated.jpg [ 97.47 KiB | Viewed 55571 times ]
Run first project
-------------------1. To import a demo project, go to "File -> Import..." and then select "Existing Projects into Workspace"
import_proj.jpg [ 55.45 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
2. The demo projects are under "AndeSight_ROOT/demo" directory.
import.jpg [ 93.02 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
3. After selecting a demo project, click "Finish" on the Import wizard.
import_printf.jpg [ 73.95 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
4. Right click on the project folder and choose "Target Configuration" and choose "Simulator/ICE" as target.
toolchain_1.JPG [ 107.39 KiB | Viewed 55524 times ]
If the hardware package you are using is
Fixed-configuration N22, please follow the additional two steps as mentioned below:
i] Click on the "browse" button in "Chip Profile" to invoke the "Select Target" dialog box.
Users should change the toolchain for Starup demos from "nds32le-elf-mculib-v5" to "nds32le-elf-mculib-v5e".
toolchain_2.JPG [ 68.78 KiB | Viewed 55524 times ]
ii] Please add the following options into SID Misc Arguments of Target Configuration:
-e " set cpu cpu-option \\" --conf-isa-e on --conf-pmp 0 --conf-pfm off --conf-powerbrake off --conf-icache off --conf-user-mode off --conf-mul radix4 --conf-btb off \\""Attachment:
target_config.JPG [ 125.63 KiB | Viewed 55524 times ]
5. Right click on the project folder and select "Build Project" to build.
build.jpg [ 65.64 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
6. Check the compilation results in the Console view and verify that an executable has been generated in the PROJECT\Debug folder.
build_result.jpg [ 225.81 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
7. Right click on project directory and select "Run As" --> "Application Program"
run.jpg [ 151.73 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]
8. The output will be displayed in "UART2" under "Target Manager".
result.jpg [ 61.19 KiB | Viewed 55588 times ]