This article will take an easy example to illustrate how to generate a static library and how to use the generated static library in AndeSight.
Section A: How to generate a static library
Step1: Open AndeSight. Click "File" --> "New" --> "C Project", "Project Type" choose "Andes Static Library" --> "Empty Project", select toolchain and key in project name "StaticLib". As:
pic1.png [ 53.12 KiB | Viewed 7831 times ]
Step2: "StaticLib" is shown in Project Exploer. Right click on "StaticLib", select "New" --> "Source File", Key in the source file name "lib.c".As:
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Step3: Write the follow program code in lib.c:
int add(int x,int y)
return x + y;
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Step4: Build the "StaticLib", the output is in the "Archives" folder. As:
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Section B: How to use a static library in a Project
It's an example of Hello World Project to use the library "libStaticLib.a".
Step1: New a hello world project, as:
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Step2: Copy the library file "libStaticLib.a" to "HelloWorld" Project, as:
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Step3: Right click on "HelloWorld", select "New" --> "Header File", key in name "lib.h", and write the source coce in lib.h. As:
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Step3: open file main.c, input the follow program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lib.h"
int main(void) {
int x, y;
x = 6;
y = 5;
printf("add : %d\n", add(x, y));
return 0;
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Step4: This step is critical, we should do the setting to classifty the library path. Right click on "HelloWorld", select "Proproties", on Proproties Tab, click "C/C++ Build" --> "Settings" --> "Andes C Linker" --> "Libraries", put "StaticLib" in "Library"(not the name "libStatlicLib.a") and put "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}}" in "Library search Path". As:
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Step5: Build & Run the "HelloWorld" Project, we can see the program output is like our expects.
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