Using boot bode to burn Linux Kernel image into flash:1. Insert FAT32 format SD card with Linux Kernel image file(bpi321).
2. Boot up EVB board.
3. Press 'SW4' GPIO button to get in "Setup & Diagnosis" command menu.
4. Key in "55" in terminal to get in CLI (Command List Interface).
5. Load kernel image from SD card into memory:
CLI> sdload bpi321 0x02000000
6. Burn kernel data to flash:
CLI> burn 0x02000000 0x80800000 0xa00000
If you meet "Flash_ChipErase - Erase suspend." condition,
please unlock the flash by using:
a. AndeSight "Flash Burner" tool.
b. Add "--unlock" option in "IntelJ3" tool.
burnkernel.jpg [ 275.01 KiB | Viewed 12594 times ]
Boot Linux Kernel in flash:1. Boot up EVB board.
2. Press 'SW4' GPIO button to get in "Setup & Diagnosis" command menu.
3. Key in "55" in terminal to get in CLI (Command List Interface).
4. Go to address "0x80800000" and run Linux Kernel in flash.
CLI> go 0x80800000
bootmenu.jpg [ 85.48 KiB | Viewed 12594 times ]
Auto boot into Linux when boot up EVB board:Boot code of EVB board can check if there is
"sdbatch.txt" file in SD card.
If it exists, boot code will automatically execute the commands in the file.
1. Create a file named
"sdbatch.txt" in SD card with following lines.
go 0x80800000
2. Insert the SD card, and boot up EVB board.
It will automatically boot into Linux with the kernel image in flash.
bootauto.jpg [ 74.36 KiB | Viewed 12594 times ]
Using AndeSight + AICE to burn Linux Kernel image into flash:NOTE: The burnning speed is MUCH slower than using boot code.Attachment:
burnAS.jpg [ 82.77 KiB | Viewed 12559 times ]
In AndeSight "Flash programming Wizard", the "Programming Start Address:" should be 0x00800000.
Address 0x00800000 is mapped to 0x80800000 in boot code "CLI>" environment.