This demo is using the "demo-prinft" at AE210p-N968A.
1. Import the demo-printf then modify some setting for AE210p-N968A.
2. Create the static library project that platform use AE210p-N968A.
3. Setting the share file method.
3-1 Right click ->properties Project References
2015_01_27_14_11_20_Properties_for_demo_printf.jpg [ 85.23 KiB | Viewed 18197 times ]
3-2 C compiler -> Directories
Setting the share share file include path
2015_01_27_14_16_04_Properties_for_demo_printf.jpg [ 129.33 KiB | Viewed 18197 times ]
3-3 C linker -> Miscellaneous
Setting the share file *.a path
2015_01_27_14_18_40_Properties_for_demo_printf.jpg [ 142.15 KiB | Viewed 18197 times ]
Test demo code
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