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 Post subject: Linking a binary object with gcc, objcopy related
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:18 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:07 pm
Posts: 18
1. Open a toolchain console.
2. Use
dd if=/dev/urandom of=blob.bin bs=1 count=16
to generate a blob.bin file. You can use
hexdump -C blob.bin
to check the content.
3. Use nds32le-mculib-objcopy to transform it to an object file.
nds32le-mculib-objcopy -I binary -O elf32-nds32le -B n1h blob.bin blob-n1h.o
The part of the red color depends on which toolchain you use. The followings are the same and won't note any more.
nds32le-mculib-readelf -h blob-n1h.o
will help you to examine what is generated. Take note on the Flags and we will explain it at the end of this article.
Then, you can link the blob.o with other .o files. For example:
nds32le-muclib-gcc main.o blob.o -o mytest.o


The following command will show the architecture of the object file.
nds32le-mculib-objdump -ft blob.o
blob-n1h.o: file format elf32-nds32le
architecture: n1h, flags 0x00000010:
start address 0x00000000

00000000 l d .data 00000000 .data
00000000 g .data 00000000 _binary_blob_bin_start
00000010 g .data 00000000 _binary_blob_bin_end
00000010 g *ABS* 00000000 _binary_blob_bin_size

When you use different options on objcopy, it shows different architectures. You can use n1h_v3 or n1h_v3m depending on the toolchain you use.

In the following, I made 3 items. 1> generic compiled object main.o 2>blob-n1h.o generated by nds32le-mculib-objcopy with "-B n1h" option 3>blob-n1h-v3m.o generated by nds32le-mculib-objcopy with "-B n1h_v3m" option. "n1h" architecture is an Andes generic architecture.
Use "nds32le-mculib-readelf -h" to examine the header. You can see the values differences of the Flags. The Flags with 0 means it's a generic object that can link with any objects at link time by ignoring the every difference in the Flags field. So you can link main.o and blob-n1h.o. If you use blob-n1h-v3m.o with main.o, the Flags will fail with the ABI or object version checking. The messages you will get are like "ABI mismatch with previous modules" or " Older version of object file encountered, Please recompile with current tool chain" for example . For objcopy command, there are no options to modify the ABI and version fields.
$ nds32le-elf-gcc blob-n1h-v3m.o src/demo/main.o -o mytest.o
/cygdrive/c/Andestech/AndeSight_STD_v310_Official/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v3/bin/../lib/gcc/nds32le-elf/4.9.4/../../../../nds32le-elf/bin/ld: blob-n1h-v3m.o: warning: Older version of object file encountered, Please recompile with current tool chain.
/cygdrive/c/Andestech/AndeSight_STD_v310_Official/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v3/bin/../lib/gcc/nds32le-elf/4.9.4/../../../../nds32le-elf/bin/ld: blob-n1h-v3m.o: error: ABI mismatch with previous modules.

objcopy_n1h_diff.png [ 31.32 KiB | Viewed 38136 times ]
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